ICSI System(Narishighe)

he Narishighe In Vitro Fertilization Micromanipulation System is reliable, precise, easy to operate, compact, well- designed and compatible with any microscope. Every Narishige micromanipulator is developed a philosophy of achieving easier high precision micromanipulation.

Specifications and Features of Narishige – Nikon with ICSI Micromanipulator

Compact design results in reduced distance from manipulator mount to microelectrode tip thereby increasing stability.

Hanging type joystick provides superior ergonomics and operability. 

Smooth movement without microelectrode drift.

Modified mounting direction of the universal joint facilitates pipette attachment and removal.

Angle gauge incorporated in the universal joint ensures  repeatable and accurate-angle electrode and pipette orientation.

Combined 3D motor-drive coarse manipulator and 3D oil-hydraulic fine manipulator for increased stability.

Equipped with microelectrode return mechanism for easy petri dish changing.


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